
About Me
Ang Pasasalamat
I need Explanations
Last sorrow
Shadow of loneliness
My essays


    Good day! welcome to my newest and maybe my most creative website that i ever done. here in this website I compile all of my poems and writings about my perspective way of life and it was based on my experience. Some of my poems was created basically in 2001 and create again in 2008 for some reasons.
     During the saddest days in my life poems is my way of expressing  feelings. Some my poems where destroyed due to flood and some where place in garbage can. I finally realize that throwing my poems is like throwing my piece of mind too.

This website is for the memory of all my poems that turn to trash and become ashes...

Noel galicha
the creator of website

Why my website is called "tutulaako"?
   -well tutulaako is from filipino words "tutula ako" which means i will deliver poem. It was the first thing that comes in my mind when i wake this morning.what if i create website called tutula ako.Now through the use of my html knowledge I will put my fantasy in to reality..hahaha!

whats inside of this web?
-some of my poems that I retrieve from my trash can before the garbage collector came.
-to the people who dedicated some of my poems
-my personal profile also includes here
My gratitudes to:
- God almighty which give me a briliant and complicated mind
-to my family that laughs me when they saw me at corner with pen and paper
-to my inspiration i will not mention her name. your always be my thunder...
-to my friends who is always there for me and sometimes not there for me
-to my pet dog "tungkay"
wrong spelling and grammar maybe disregarded its my website..walang pakialamanan..hehehe!